Singing Guide: Jerry Wallace

Singing Guide: Jerry Wallace

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jerry Wallace was an American country and pop singer, known for his romantic and poignant ballads, which he sang with a smooth and high-pitched voice. His unique vocal style was marked by a pronounced vibrato, a wide vocal range, and a clear diction, which he used to convey the emotional depth and nuances of his songs. If you want to learn how to sing like Jerry Wallace, here are some tips and resources to get you started:

Vocal range and register

Jerry Wallace's vocal range was remarkable, spanning several octaves, from a low bass to a high tenor. To sing like him, you need to work on your range and control of your voice registers, especially the falsetto and head voice, which he used to produce his trademark sound. You can start by taking the vocal range test on Singing Carrots, to determine your range and compare it with Jerry Wallace's. To develop your voice registers, you can watch the videos on chest voice and voice registers, such as this and this, and practice the exercises for mixed voice, voice break, and chest voice coordination.

Breathing and support

Jerry Wallace's singing was characterized by a smooth and effortless breath flow, which he achieved by using proper breathing and support techniques. To sing like him, you should work on your breathing muscles and learn how to control your diaphragm and ribcage. You can start by watching the videos on breathing basics and breath support, such as this and this, and practicing the farinelli breathing and sustain vocal exercises.

Vibrato and phrasing

Jerry Wallace's singing was marked by a distinct and expressive vibrato, which added warmth and color to his voice. To sing like him, you should learn how to produce a controlled and natural vibrato, by working on your breathing and support, and by using the proper phrasing and dynamics. You can watch the videos on singing with vibrato and articulation, such as this and this, and practice the finger-bite and diaphragm-bounce exercises.

Song selection and interpretation

Jerry Wallace's repertoire was rich and diverse, ranging from ballads to country and pop songs, with a significant focus on romantic themes and emotions. To sing like him, you should choose songs that match your vocal style and personality, and that allow you to showcase your strengths and emotions. You can use the Singing Carrots song search tool to find songs that fit your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, and the songbook tool to create your performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

By using these tips and resources, you can learn how to sing like Jerry Wallace and develop your own unique style and personality. Remember to practice regularly, listen to his recordings, and study his technique and interpretation. With dedication and perseverance, you can become a great singer, just like Jerry Wallace was.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.